What do The Olympics and Your Health Have in Common?

What do the Olympics and Your Health have in Common?  A Gold Medal Life!

Opening Ceremony Summer Olympic Games at London 2012…And the GAMES BEGIN!

Olympic Adrenaline!  In watching the opening ceremony for the Summer Olympic Games – London 2012, I’ve had so many visions, excitement and deep thoughts!  My favorite moment of the ceremony was watching the athletes enter the Olympic Stadium and just imagining what they may be thinking or how they are feeling in that moment, if you watched the opening ceremonies – I’m sure you thought the same!

I can’t help myself to be anything less than excited and pumped for the athletes and for myself as well!  I find such motivation in seeing athletes ready for competition;  knowing that it takes hard work, dedication and working with a ‘team’ [personal team of professionals & coaches] to be ready for such an event!

If you really take a good look at what mastery goes into being an athlete of any sport, the athlete does not make it alone!  There are several components to building the platform and skills to thrive – the athlete is conditioning from the inside out: Mind Body & Soul.   Creating the design for such an athlete involves many components and a team to include some or more of the following main coach, assistant coaches, nutritionist, massage therapist, sports therapist, psychologist, and on…

In working with private clients who are striving to overcome health and life challenges, the program that I provide is a key component of their personal team!  I believe that we all need a team and at times we need a professional team to help us create the foundation – platform and skills to thrive in the game of LIFE!  And by creating a design, we can create the mastery for living life healthier with vitality for life!   And, a Gold Medal decorated LIFE!

I am so inspired with this Olympic Season!  I have “UP’d” my GAME and personal program and am working on refining some additional life areas as well, including working with my professional coaches!  I love the feeling that I get from simply watching the Olympics; the adrenaline, chills and all of the emotion!  I’m sure I’m not alone!  Do you also share the same feelings?

I invite you to TAKE ACTION and be INSPIRED to UP your GAME!  In the spirit of my Olympic FEVER, I’m offering a FREE 30 minute Health Coaching Call with me AND a SURPRISE (Olympic Inspired) BONUS for acting NOW (VALUED at $125)!  Let’s “DIVE IN” and discuss your health challenges – you will receive immediate recommendations to implement in your life and begin to create your Gold Medal platform!  Inspiration YOU 2012!

Sign up right below from my contact tab here on my website!

I would love to hear your comments~!  Would also really appreciate connecting on FB – click on and “LIKE” me and share the post!  You can post your comment there too~!