An Investment in Health, Healing & Finding a Little Bit of Happiness.
A few years ago, my soul began guiding me to do a challening thing and so I started considering another marathon. Completing 26.2 miles on foot is challenging, but the reward goes far beyond just crossing a finish line. Around that time, a hiking challenge called 29029 began appearing on my social media feed, catching my attention with its focus on conquering difficult climbs. It seemed to attract cool people tackling an amazing mountain challenge of 29029 elevation gain equal to that of Mount Everst.. In the early part of 2023, I joined the waiting list for registration notifications. On November…
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Healthy Way to Success
AnyMeeting Recording – Michelle Verdugo – 2014-12-04 1310 {“type”:”video”,”tracklist”:true,”tracknumbers”:true,”images”:true,”artists”:true,”tracks”:[{“src”:”https:\/\/michelleverdugo.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/02\/AnyMeeting-Recording-Michelle-Verdugo-2014-12-04-1310.mp4″,”type”:”video\/mp4″,”title”:”AnyMeeting Recording – Michelle Verdugo – 2014-12-04 1310″,”caption”:””,”description”:””,”meta”:{“length_formatted”:”25:03″},”dimensions”:{“original”:{“width”:1280,”height”:720},”resized”:{“width”:698,”height”:393}},”image”:{“src”:”https:\/\/michelleverdugo.com\/wp-includes\/images\/media\/video informative post.png”,”width”:48,”height”:64},”thumb”:{“src”:”https:\/\/michelleverdugo.com\/wp-includes\/images\/media\/video.png”,”width”:48,”height”:64}}]}
It’s National Kidney Day in the US…A Juicy Tip for Your Kidney Health!
National Kidney Day caught my attention! It also happens to be Kidney Month. Here’s a way to Support not only your Kidney’s but also your Total Body Health! SIMPLE & JUICY TIP to cleanse your body, eliminate excess weight & STAY HEALTHY EVERYDAY~! Here’s one of my Simple Secrets to keeping my immune system strong & healthy! I love living a healthy lifestyle and having the ENERGY to support it! It’s PURE, CLEAN & SIMPLE… Simply start EVERYDAY with hydrating your body by drinking a glass (8ounces) of purified WATER right after you wake up. Remember that for optimal health it’s…