Simple 2 Mile Run Long Distance

I just got in from a very quick 2 mile run this morning and I AM INSPIRED!  Here’s where I’m being pushed and motivated to a new level!  I haven’t been “running” in quite a while and suddenly I find myself in a new game – ready to shift and take it up a notch! It starts with a DECISION!  It’s not always easy however, it’s so worth it!

I love the idea of hitting the road for a couple of miles as part of my new “training program” – but didn’t really remember or consider the whole picture!  While I was being pushed to run at a faster pace than I would ever do on my own, I had a series of thoughts running through my head…one thing I knew I would not do is STOP!  I considered slowing down my pace for a couple of moments but I worked through and kept my focus on my decision!

I made it and feel really good both inside and out!  My simple short 2 mile run is having a long distance affect!  I’m so motivated and excited – I will keep ON… ONE STEP at a TIME!

I would love to hear from you!  Please share your comments here and let me know how you’ve been inspired to take a STEP and make a DECISION!

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Remember, together we can INSPIRE Healthier Lives Everywhere!

Live Inspired ~ Love & Healthy Blessings ~ Michelle

post run feb 20
2 Mile Run…Feeling Good Inside & Out! February 20, 2015


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