Think Happy BE Happy! Amazing Coconut Water Drink Recipe!


“Happy 4th of JULY!!” **

WOW! I glanced at my calendar looking at the month ahead, and it always jolts me for a second how quickly time continues to fly by.  We are already into the 2nd half of the year!

I’ve had a busy year so far!   I’ve tried to keep weekend ‘commitments/plans’ minimal, since my hubby and I are on the run throughout the week and we enjoy just being home relaxing together!  Last Sunday, as I was going about my morning, it popped into my mind that one of my “life areas that I’d like to see improvement in is the “Adventure” area. Keep in mind; I do realize this is not too adventurous!  I suggested that we hit the Farmers Market and that’s what we did!  It was a pattern break from our usual Sunday routine – and we had a great time!  I stocked up on a few healthy veggies for the week and we were out enjoying the day as a family!

Tying this back to “Happy 4th of July” – and the meaning of…FREEDOM – What makes you feel FREE?   This very simple experience of going out of the normal routine was freeing and invigorating!  I FEEL FREE when I FEEL ALIVE and I am LIVING life!  It’s easy to live life and not really FEEL FREE, because the days keep coming, and it’s normal to keep busy schedules with work and home life.  I invite you to experience a pattern break with a spontaneous ‘something!’

As always, I share this story to be insightful and motivating and hopefully inspire you to step out and DO something Fun, Adventurous or perhaps something you’ve had quietly popping in and out of your mind!  I would love to hear how it goes!!

Please connect back with me with your story on any of my outlets comment here on my blog or on Facebook!


Michelle Recommends…

A thirst quenching delightful ‘Mocktail’ or Cocktail, try this SUMMER BURST!

1 glass of Coconut Water

½ – 1 Full Lemon Juiced

A sprig of Mint & Handful of Ice

Optional: 1 shot of Vodka (In the spirit of Freedom day, if you’re going to live it up – this cocktail will be much healthier, lighter, and have some benefits over the typical wine & beer!)


Enjoy this Delightful Summer Burst of Invigorating & Replenishing ‘Mocktail’ or Cocktail!



Coconut water may be one of the healthiest liquids you can enjoy for life!  In a Nut Shell, here’s just a quick summary of some of the MANY health benefits you may enjoy:

Coconut Water can help BOOST your ENERGY!   It provides support for your Cardiovascular Health, Prevention of Diabetes, Aids in Digestive Problems, Weight Loss, Hydration, an Immune Booster, Revitalizes your Cells and Boosts your Metabolism, Skin & Anti-Aging Repair.  Coconut water contains less sodium and more potassium than the average energy or sports drink, and I recommend it as a far better option than the more expensive drinks that typically include artificial ingredients and are loaded with sugar.

You’re going to love this ‘Mocktail’ – it’s perfect for summer! You’ll feel rejuvenated & refreshed after you’ve enjoyed this ‘miracle water.’  You may even look in the mirror and notice yourself looking & feeling a little younger and HAPPIER~!

Happy & Safe 4th of July Blessings~!*

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