Show Up for Yourself Inspirations

Surf Sun Run > 13.1 …I’m IN!
I’ve wanted to run Carlsbad Half Marathon for many (like 10+) years & had lightly planned in my mind to do this, this year not realizing until LAST NIGHT it’s TOMORROW! SO! I could’ve easily let it go, haven’t been training but only a few shortees 2-3 x wk for the past few months, didn’t plan, etc., but I said YES to ME! I couldn’t let myself miss this and am {really} glad I was nudged to check out the date last night! Good fortune, it wasn’t sold out and I registered today!
Reflecting & sharing to INSPIRE YOU! SHOW UP for YOURSELF! When you are taking action daily toward your goals & your vision; you are well able & equipped to say YES!
I’m not in my best shape physically but I know I’m in really good shape nutritionally, mentally, spiritually! I am ready!
I’ll be wearing a bright orange running top my parents gave me for Christmas – was kinda saving for a ‘special occasion!’ <3
And, I picked up this new pink running belt! BTW, as a coach, I would never encourage using new gear on race day and it’s best to train when participating in an event like this..! 😀
1st of 3 for #triplecrownsandiego #carlsbadhalf
LOOKING FORWARD TO SHOWING UP FOR MYSELF TOMORROW! I’ll be there bright & early at the starting line!  It’s YOUR TURN!  Show up for yourself!  I would love to hear from you; what will you do for yourself that you’ve been thinking about and haven’t yet made it happen?  Comment here to share with me!
Thank you  for reading! Stay tuned for my post half marathon thoughts & review!
Love & healthy blessings!