Healthy Recipes for Memorial Day!

Hello & Happy Memorial Day Weekend~!

Before you head out the door, I thought you might like to give my healthy recipes that happen to be super refreshing & revitalizing a try this holiday weekend; so be sure to check them out to get what you need!  refreshing raspberry smoothie

My plan for this long holiday weekend is to get working on fun projects at home!  It’s time for a fresh look & feel so I plan on organizing & redecorating my home office and all around home!  What are your plans?  Would love to know…!?!  Share with me here on my comments area!

I’m so excited to share 3 of my favorite healthy recipes with the bonus PERK of being refreshing & revitalizing [Official] Higher Health Recipes with you!  I chose these  especially for you!  These are super simple, refreshing, revitalizing and will give you extra PEP in YOUR STEP for the weekend~!  GET THEM HERE!

“Good things come when you EAT REAL GOOD FOOD = ENERGY, MENTAL CLARITY, PEP IN YOUR STEP, ++++++!!!  Make a healthy choice today~!”

Be sure to take a moment for reflections & blessings in honor of this Memorial Day weekend!

Let me know which recipes you’ll try & come back to let me know how you liked them!  🙂