It’s National Kidney Day in the US…A Juicy Tip for Your Kidney Health!
National Kidney Day caught my attention! It also happens to be Kidney Month. Here’s a way to Support not only your Kidney’s but also your Total Body Health! SIMPLE & JUICY TIP to cleanse your body, eliminate excess weight & STAY HEALTHY EVERYDAY~! Here’s one of my Simple Secrets to keeping my immune system strong & healthy! I love living a healthy lifestyle and having the ENERGY to support it! It’s PURE, CLEAN & SIMPLE… Simply start EVERYDAY with hydrating your body by drinking a glass (8ounces) of purified WATER right after you wake up. Remember that for optimal health it’s…
Think Happy BE Happy! Amazing Coconut Water Drink Recipe!
THINK HAPPY…BE HAPPY~! “Happy 4th of JULY!!” ** WOW! I glanced at my calendar looking at the month ahead, and it always jolts me for a second how quickly time continues to fly by. We are already into the 2nd half of the year! I’ve had a busy year so far! I’ve tried to keep weekend ‘commitments/plans’ minimal, since my hubby and I are on the run throughout the week and we enjoy just being home relaxing together! Last Sunday, as I was going about my morning, it popped into my mind that one of my “life areas” that I’d like…