TIPS to SLIM DOWN & STAY TRIM this SUMMER!wlt_prefectshap

Truth: I don’t especially love being HOT in the summer! 

Hello summer season!  Only one week into summer and we’re having a heat wave!  Oh boy!!!  Inspired by the season I’m in kitchen creating new COOL recipes for Slimming Smoothies for my new book which will soon be available!  Check out one of my latest, Revitalize Blueberry Smoothie!

Here’s a quick story for you!  A dream I’ve had for many years is to have barn yard animals! ?  About a month ago, I was given 4 baby chicks! I brought them home about 3 weeks ago and have been settling in with a new routine to be sure the chicks are getting all that they need!  Here’s a photo taken a week ago with my puppy & the chicks getting a little more acquainted…

<img class=" wp-image-575 " title="Nestling In & Getting Aquainted!" alt="For the love of life!" src="https://michelleverdugo.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/peeps-n-clo.jpg" width="330" height="330" srcset="https://michelleverdugo.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/peeps-n-clo.jpg 960w, https://michelleverdugo.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/peeps-n-clo-150×150.jpg 150w, https://michelleverdugo.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/peeps-n-clo-300×300 click now.jpg 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 330px) 100vw, 330px” />

For the love of life!

I must admit it was a little nerve racking at first but everyone seems to be fine and my sweet girl gives me the impression that she really likes the flock!

My backyard is coming along with my garden & my chicks!  I love how simple it is to grow my own garden with my Tower Garden system!  If you’re interested in learning more about it please reply and I’m happy to share more details with you! 

If you’re inspired to slim down before you head out in your bikini – Enjoy one a smoothie as your lunch (meal) daily! 


*1  –          Stay hydrated: drink water with lemon every day; ideally you should be drinking ½ your body weight in ounces daily!  Avoid caffeine & enjoy herbal tea!

*2  –          Eat breakfast:  have a smoothie rich with a few servings of fruit &/or veggies or have a an egg with a two serving of veggies or ¼ – ½ avocado!

*3  –          Movement:  you’ve got to get moving; get in at least 30 minutes of exercise in each day, walking, biking, get your heart rate up!  Stretch your body out daily!

*4  –          Eliminate dairy:  dairy causes inflammation in the body; have less dairy or completely eliminate dairy and see how you feel! 

*5  –          Eat REAL FOOD:  Eat foods that are hydrating and cleansing like cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, bell peppers, melon, oranges, grapefruit, berries, apples, pears & broccoli!

Follow these simple tips and you will feel lighter, look slimmer & BE HEALTHIER!

I’d love to hear from you!  What’s your favorite season?  Do you love the summer heat or what kind of weather do you love?  Come on now…join the conversation ~ COMMENT HERE!