Summertime Inspiration!
HIT RESET! MINDSET! A powerful tool available to you right NOW, your SELF! Start from where you are with what you've got and focus on what you can do today, then repeat…Create the healthy habit so that it becomes part of your way of living! If you've already taken steps with a simple change, make another one! ;)
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High Health Life Radio Podcast
Heart Health, Nutrition & Healthy Lifestyle Heart disease.. We’ve all been touched by it friend or family in some way… maybe even lost someone special to it. Today I have partnered with special guest Jennifer Thacker Certified ICU RN and we are discussing signs and symptoms of heart attack & disease as well as prevention through nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Please take a listen and come back with a comment, post or private message with any questions and let me know your thoughts!
Healthy Broccoli Salad
Welcome! Be my guest and give this super SIMPLE, NOURISHING RECIPE a try! It’s DELISH … Healthy Broccoli Salad! Click on image to download the recipe! <a href="https://www.facebook.com/HealthyLifestyleCoach read here.MichelleVerdugo/?ref=settings” rel=”attachment wp-att-2054″> Be sure that you won’t miss my next newsletter! Sign up here before you leave! I’ve got lots to share with you! Like & Share my recipe with your friends & family! Make it a healthy day! THINK HEALTHY > DECIDE HEALTHY! Love & healthy blessings, Michelle
Organic Apple Pie
Organic Apple Pie … Super simple and delicious! Give this yummy treat a try! Organic Apple High Health Pie can be a perfect treat for anytime of the day! Give this super simple recipe a try! Really easy… REALLY GOOD! Let me know if you’re going give this simple yummy treat a try then be sure to come back and let me know how much you love it! By the way >>> MAY HH FOCUS CHALLENGE is about to start & it is *Free*! I’m about to Kick ON a FRESH NEW HEALTH CHALLENGE and I would like to INVITE YOU…